Version | Released | What's New |
View the detailed DataStore Api Documentation as generated from the OpenAPI Specification 2.0 JSON Document. |
6.0.1 | 2025.3.13 |
Geo Point Data
6.0.0 | 2023.8.9 |
Revised Originating Project and sibling Product structure.
5.1.0 | 2023.3.20 |
Advanced Search: One new criteria have been added.
| | 2022.10.21 |
Quick Search: Added two new optional search parameters.
| | 2022.10.21 |
Advanced Search: Two new criteria have been added.
| | 2018.08.10 |
When viewing a Profile, the FilesAndLinks section will now show the fileName for a digital file and the fileId property reflects the same id shown in the (download) url. | | 2018.01.30 |
New read-only operations. The following Reference sub-properties can be accessed individually.
| | 2016.06.27 |
Added endpoints for obtaining an FGDC-1998 compliant metadata representation of a Geospatial Reference. See Download FGDC Documentation. If the Reference was created from an FGDC metadata xml source, this method will attempt to return the original metadata merged with a subset of the latest attributes as managed in the web application itself. If an updated metadata xml file has been linked to the Reference after its initial creation, the latest such xml document will be used as the source for the merge operation. Finally, if no metadata xml document was used to create the Reference, a best attempt will be made to generate a new, simple metadata representation. The /rest/MetadataDownload/{referenceCode} endpoint will return the generated metadata as an xml file. The /rest/MetadataContent/{referenceCode} endpoint will return the generated metadata in the response. The default format is xml, but a json formatted response is also supported. | | 2016.06.06 |
Added endpoints for downloading files (holdings) linked to a Reference. See Download File Documentation. A http HEAD request can be submitted to get header information about the file, before downloading it. A simple GET request will download the file itself. However, the endpoint supports range requests, which can be used to download the file in parts. This supports clients that offer pause/continue or parallel download. Note how pre-conditions are also supported
| | 2016.04.15 |
Please note that the 'Children', 'Products', and 'ProjectAndRelatedProducts' of the Reference Profile are now 'ReferenceComposite' rows instead of 'ReferenceRow'. That means each row will have a potential sub-collection of Linked Resources and/or Units. Since this simply adds a nested collection to the previous model, it should not break any existing json or xml based object parsing. | | 2016.03.17 |
Our initial release of the new v4 read-only api. In addition to simple 'GET' requests, several endpoints now support 'POST' for submitting complex search criteria or value lists that exceed url limits. Endpoints supporting 'POST' include
The additional data is requested using the alternate 'Composite' endpoints: