Operations at https://irmaservices.nps.gov/NPSpecies/v3/rest

This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.

Uri Method Description
checklist/{unitCode}/{categories=null} GET Gets a checklist of species for a given park. The list can be limited to specific categories by including the Categories option.
detaillist/{unitCode}/{categories=null} GET Gets a full list of species with details for a given park. The list can be limited to specific categories by including the Categories option.
fulllist/{unitCode}/{categories=null} GET Gets a full list of species for a given park. The list can be limited to specific categories by including the Categories option.
schemas/SpeciesListItem GET Show the schema for a species list result set
urlOptions/categories GET Show the list of category codes and names for the checklist, fulllist, and detaillist species list operations. Any of the category code values can be used to limit the species list results; '1', 'Mammals', or 'Mammal' will return the same Mammal species list. A species list for multiple categories can be returned by seperating the categories by a comma. For example, 'mammals,birds' to get the species list for Mammals and Birds.
urlOptions/format GET Show the list of response formats. These are valid strings for the optional '&format=' query parameter of any query. The default is 'xml'. When using the csv format, a 404 Not Found is returned when a species list has zero records.